How to Start Enjoying the Benefits of Journaling

Why keep a journal? Because it is cheap therapy and great stress relief. But really, it really is. More importantly, when you use your journal effectively, you’ll be more self-aware. With that awareness, goal setting and life planning will become easier. This post will discuss how to start writing a journal and the benefits of journaling.

What to Write

Sometimes, when keeping a journal, you may feel like you are lost for topics to write about. First off, it doesn’t matter what you write. In fact, you will realize, after the fact that…the most interesting stuff comes out when you write unfiltered and unrehearsed. Your journal is for you. Don’t censor yourself. You can choose to share or not share whatever pieces you want.

One popular writing topic is gratitude. What are you thankful for? Another would be to address a problem you faced during your day. Did you handle it well? How could you have dealt with it better? Additionally, what did you learn today? Writing down things that you have learned has a better chance of being stored in long-term memory. You could also go full on stream of consciousness mode and just vomit every and anything you can think of. If you don’t feel like writing, you can draw, sketch or make bullets points. It’s your journal. Do want you want.

The Benefits of Journaling

Some might feel that keeping a journal is childish or an extra step in an already busy life. By incorporating journaling into a morning or evening routine, it becomes an easier daily task to accomplish. To read more information on designing a great morning routine, read 7 Parts to Build Your Best Morning Routine. Truly, the benefits of journaling are too numerous to deny. Having a refuge to keep honest thoughts is important and can act as a stress relief. Furthermore, writing down things you are learning helps fortify that information in your memory. Journaling is also an opportunity to record and track emotions and thoughts. Through the awareness from tracking, the task of goal setting and life planning becomes easier and more effective. Some also find the act of writing meditative. Lastly, journaling is fun. Looking back at your former self can be an opportunity to reminisce about times past or a chance to remember cringe worthy life lessons learned.


The most important thing to remember is your journal is for you. It is not for the outside world. You can share if you want to. But to most effectively utilize your journal, use it as a place you can truly & fully express yourself. That is, by writing out your true self on paper, you can objectively examine yourself through time. You’ll have a record of what you were thinking & doing and the successes & fails. It will all be there for you to revisit. You’ll be fascinated by how fascinating you are. More importantly, you’ll have the raw data & developed insight to improve your life.

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